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Tuesday, September 3 at 11:36 AM:
me from here wrote:
"In the past 27 years, hundreds of thousands of technology professionals have coursed through NaSPA training programs, subscribed to its publications, supported its educational foundation, and have attended its technology conferences and trade shows. Way back in 1987, NaSPA began publishing Technical Support magazine, a comprehensive how-to publication that focused on mainframe systems. In the 1990s the publication was expanded to include topics that affect network and distributed systems professionals. More recently Technical Support has morphed again, this time to include fresh, timely content including Disaster Recovery, Virtualization, and even some content not found anywhere else; like what technologists should do when they face job loss or financial stress. Visit - http://www.naspa.com/"

Thursday, July 5 at 09:56 AM:
me from here wrote:
" Video Game Tester Jobs Trying to get a job in Video Games? Learn the different game job types! GetInMedia.com/Games "

Monday, April 30 at 12:54 PM:
me from here wrote:
"“O” No! The IRS Has A Few Questions For You > http://www.501c3.org/blog/o- no-the-irs-has-a-few- questions-for-you/"

Friday, January 20 at 06:16 PM:
i4u from usa wrote:
"The UN also uses uses 3- letter codes, and numerical codes to identify nations, and those are shown below. - http://www.worldatlas.com/aat las/ctycodes.htm"

Friday, January 20 at 06:12 PM:
i3 from her3 wrote:
"info by country - http://www.theodora.com/count ry_digraphs.html"

Friday, January 20 at 05:57 PM:
i2 from here2 wrote:
"UN/LOCODE, the United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations, is a geographic coding scheme developed and maintained by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), a unit of the United Nations. UN/LOCODE assigns codes to locations used in trade and transport with functions such as seaports, rail and road terminals, airports, post offices and border crossing points. The first issue in 1981 contained codes for 8,000 locations. The version from 2011 contained codes for about 82,000 locations. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ UN/LOCODE"

Friday, January 20 at 05:56 PM:
I from here wrote:
"UN Loc Codes - http://www.unece.org/cefact/l ocode/welcome.html"

Monday, October 31 at 07:43 PM:
i2 from here wrote:
"Ned.com is a global online co-working space for early stage social entrepreneurs and collaborative social ventures. We believe every individual has the power to make a difference. We exist for one single purpose: So that more and more people discover their own power to make good things happen. visit - http://www.ned.com/home/"

Friday, August 26 at 05:06 PM:
i from here wrote:
"find a Biz or Org >> http://www.filinginoregon.com /pages/business_registry/rese arch/index.html"

Friday, August 26 at 02:49 PM:
per from or wrote:
"Biz Name Search > Oregon >> http://egov.sos.state.or.us/b r/pkg_web_name_srch_inq.login"

Tuesday, April 26 at 07:36 AM:
i from nowhere special wrote:
"try - http://thelastprogrammeranaly st.com/"

Thursday, February 17 at 03:53 PM:
me from here wrote:
"TranslatorBar Easily Translate Text, Webpages and Documents. visit - http://translatorbar.com/"

Monday, January 24 at 05:35 AM:
i2 from here wrote:
"Form 990 - Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Form 990 (2010). Page 5. Part V. Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance. Check if Schedule O contains a response to any question in this ... www.irs.gov/pub/irs- pdf/f990.pdf"

Monday, January 24 at 05:35 AM:
i from here wrote:
"FAQs: Form 990 The 990s come from two sources: the IRS and the organizations themselves ... www2.guidestar.org/rxg/help/f aqs/form-990/index.aspx "

Wednesday, January 19 at 09:16 PM:
i from here wrote:
"2010 Instructions for Schedule C (2010) 2010 ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------- Table of Contents visit - http://www.irs.gov/instructio ns/i1040sc/index.html"

Wednesday, January 19 at 09:08 PM:
I from here wrote:
"Instructions for Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax (2010) Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code(except black lung benefit trust or private foundation) Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. 2010 visit - http://www.irs.gov/instructio ns/i990/index.html"

Monday, January 17 at 09:30 AM:
M.W. from America wrote:
"Monster.com has new article about IT careers in 2011. It has a positive lilt to it, but they unknowingly just remind us of the very ugly side of this profession as well. It's a stinkin' profession. Check out an excerpt from the article! (See my sarcastic comments in brackets) "Most of the IT people who were laid off over the past two years were managers with no current technical skills, including line managers, project managers and business analysts," says David Marceau, vice president at Ridgefield One, a Connecticut IT staffing agency. "Their responsibilities were then dumped on the techies, who were forced to wear multiple hats, often for the same or even lower pay." [This is what we've seen across the board - more roles consolidated into a few - more work at lower pay. The workplace definition of deflation.] As the economy improves in 2011, IT hiring will pick up as companies implement projects they put off during the recession and rehire those laid-off project managers, he says. [Smile - you're supposed to be thrilled!] Companies will also need to hire network engineers, developers and support-desk personnel to help install replacements for slow or obsolete systems, servers and networks, says Tammy Browning, senior vice president at Yoh, a Philadelphia-based staffing firm. "Project managers in companies will become more in demand, along with IT business analysts who can bridge the gap between business and process," Browning says. "Those were the first people to go, but it's also where we have the biggest gap in the industry between what's forecast and what's needed to execute on company plans." [The only justice in all this is if companies getting totally screwed trying to re-hire people.] To take advantage of this IT hiring trend: * Highlight business- analysis and project- management skills on your resume. * Earn project- management certifications like the Project Management Professional designation offered by the Project Management Institute. * Seek project-based or contract IT jobs to keep your skills current. [In short, the industry rewards the best liars.] Growing Demand for Mobile Apps Some domestic IT jobs lost during the recession, like programming and telephone help-desk support, won't be coming back, because workers in other countries can do those jobs at a significantly lower cost, says Steven Ostrowski, director of corporate communications for the Computing Technology Industry Association. [Those "other countries" - does that include one that starts with "I" ?] But at the same time, IT hiring in other niches is booming due to wholesale changes in technology and business brought on by mobile computing, Browning says. "The skill sets in demand include mobile app developers, quality-assurance testers and usability experts," she says. "Android developers, Symbian OS developers and software developers with Java, .Net, SharePoint and Visual Basic for Applications [experience] will be in huge demand." [This is the state of IT as a career - a shell game - as soon as worker in those "other countries" are up to speed on the new technology, those jobs will go off-shored. Meanwhile, you just spent a small fortune getting trained in the "latest".] . . . Which are all reasons why I can't wait to say: "F*** it - Let the Indians have it. I'm OUT!! :-) "

Wednesday, November 19 at 07:09 PM:
bncvxcvxnbm from eqwrtewtryeqw wrote:
" adsfghdghadsadsghjadsghjdasgh jasdghj"

Monday, January 1 at 07:29 PM:
Rob from Pacific NorthWest wrote:
"Kim search in southwest Oregon, what was his act that sealed his end? Why was it mid-week before they started looking?"

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* System Architecture skills at ACE I/S Solutions System Architecture Analysis, Design, Construction, Maintenance
* Web-Based skill set at ACE I/S Solutions Web Sites, Service and Internet Development and Training
* Personal Computing Services skills at ACE I/S Solutions Personal Computing Services; SetUp - Buying/Building, Troubleshooting and Maintenance, Application Development
* Business skills at ACE I/S Solutions Business Planning and Analysis, Logo Design, Sales and Marketing, Temp Services
* Organizational skills at ACE I/S Solutions Organization Development and Operations, Event Management, Campaign Management

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