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Individual Emergnecy Preparedness (IEP) and Search & Rescue (SAR)

Emergency (weather disaster), Family (traveling), Planning & Action

Q: On the Mr. Kim Search in Southwest Oregon, what did they do wrong, and what did they do right?

A: Lets start at the beginning. The first error was when they left the main road and started for the coast.

Point: There was no planning, ( a Time Control Plan.) No Reconnaissance, No Notification to anyone as to Travel Plans/Times for Emergency Purposes, such as this, No Gear Preparations, No Survival Training, wrong Auto for the road and conditions.

Point: When you can't go forward any more, or get Lost, Always try to Backtrack. If Hunkered Down in a situation, you treat your situation in (2) Realities.

1. Wherever you are, you treat your situation like a "Defensive Base". The Rule is to "Continue to Improve on the Quality(Defenses) at your camp for the duration of your stay. If your hanging on by a tree branch, you need to improve upon your situation. Fast!!! This points out the Need to "Prioritize" your Activities. e.g. Improve on Water Gathering capabilities, Find and Improve Food sources and Gathering capabilities, Improve and maintain Shelter situation, Achieve and maintain Fire/Heat capabilities, Maintain and Treat Medical situations and plan for new ones. Especially when you plan for Self Rescue and day to survival activities, Improve and maintain Hygiene, and Provide and Improve upon your ability to see to your Personal Security (from the elements, and wild, capable Animals). Prioritizing each and every one of these to the degree that you have the Training, the Resources (natural and man made), and your ability to accomplish tasks based upon Your Physical Abilities, and the Element (outdoor conditions) that you face You need to make Realistic, Achievable Plans, and proceed at a Realistic Pace as you work to the Success of All your Goals.

2. Plan and Prepare to get out yourself. Incorporating a Self-Rescue Plan as Part of ones Daily chores. Obviously, If you have No Training, No Gear, then you have no business being Out There! Out There is really no big deal, but I wouldn't jump out of an Airplane without certain Minimums!

Overall, for Every Element of the "7 Life Essentials" (Food, Water, Shelter, Heat, Medical, Hygiene, and Security.) that you Don't Plan For will come back and Bite you. The Frosting on the Cake is an "Emergency Plan" which is embedded into your "Time Control Plan", that Includes the Notification of Complete Plans to a trusted someone, so when you Don't Show Up when you said you would, they will come looking for you, or send someone who can. If there is Any Slack in your Planned Outing, then when things go wrong, and they usually do, You are going to be the one that ends up taking up All that Slack, and it just Might Kill You!


Individual Emergnecy Preparedness (IEP) and Search & Rescue (SAR)

Emergency (weather disaster), Family (traveling), Planning & Action

Q: [re: Mr. Kim Search in Southwest Oregon] Why was it mid-week before they started looking for them?

A: No Pre-Planning, No Emergency Plan that Included a Notification/Activation Plan. Some people call it a Time Control Plan.

Additionally, It usually takes up to 2 days before coordinated efforts can begin. 2 days plus 1 or 2 days more, and you can see that the math adds up to.... Being on Your Own for 4 days or More. What if you had problems 2 days before your cut off date? That equals 6 Days. Well I certainly can't carry all the Gear necessary for Every contingency. That is why I find Survival related Skills so Valuable. I don't Need to Carry all the Gear, and what I do have, I Can Use 10 Ways to Sunday. Survival Training is like Health Insurance. It Pays-off Any Time, Any Where!


Rationing Water

Water, Rationing

Q: Can you ration water as part of your survival plan?

A: Not really. Water is an indispensable life requirement. 1 gallon per day for consumption and hygiene/health is about the lay of it. You have about 2 days to obtain water depending on atmospheric conditions(heat). You can however ration your demand for water by avoiding exposure to strenuous activities during the heat of the day.

Therefore, you would "roll" your strenuous activities to night time, and/or in the cool of the day/morning. (investigate Dehydration, Re-hydration, symptoms of Dehydration, and preventative measures.) Survival Technologies, LLC. has package number B13 Food and Water Gathering that deals specifically with this concern.

Prioritize your "7 Life essentials" to having/obtaining and safely treating water in adequate amounts. From there, you recreate your TCP (Time Control Plan) that reflects your overall objectives; governed by the resources available (natural and man-made), personal skills/survival knowledge and physical abilities.


Rationing Food

Food, Rationing

Q: Can you ration food?

A: Yes. Unlike water, food intake can be reduced or eliminated for a week or more. Usually, in the field, a single meal can be relied upon to provide an entire days meals. Especially if the meal is pre packaged, and has multiple parts to it. A military MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) comes to mind. Also, less balanced meals/food gathered in the field can suffice by giving the consumer the feeling of "fullness" which plays a major part on "attitude", which in turn can make or break a survival situation in a heart beat.

Overall body weakness sets in at about 3 days depending on stress, exertion levels, and body metabolism rate. Therefore caution should be use when preforming activities, mental and physical, because ofdegradation in judgment, strength and speed of body movement.



Hygiene, Skin (Pests {Ticks})

Q: What about Ticks? What's a Tick? Others in the category? How do they effect? What to do?

A: Well, the obvious concern is avoiding them.

You want to wear a hat, wide brims are better, and cloths for protection. Keep you eyes peeled though, if you stop and rest, or are are just recreating, they fall down on you, walk around, and find a place to get to the skin, then dig in!

Some people use a Flee and Tick collar around their boot as a measure for advanced protection. Consult Your Doctor First!

Regardless of your personal Security approach, it is wise to check yourself often, especially in those hard to get at places. And, if needs be, See a Doctor for related treatments for infections from Tick Sites.



Gear, Fabrics (Wool)

Q: Is Wool better than the newer fabrics?

A: Wool refers to ... It is used for ...

Wool has maintained a position as one of the most superior fabrics for thousands of years. However, in the last decade or so Polyprops, Fleeces, and Gortex products have overcome the weight gain associated with wet wool.


Finding Water.

Water, Gathering

Q: Where can you most likely find water in a survival situation?

A: Draws will most likely have moister in them. By digging into the side, you can form a trough and possibly get some flow. If you don't get any water action within a few moments, it probably wont be coming out. Move no.

If you do get some moisture, then be ready to adjust the dept and diameter of your original cut/hole. Remove and Pre-filter fist if necessary, or let stand for 30-60 min.before using a filter unit, or skimming of for boiling/chemical treatment. All water drawn in the wild some be treated as contaminated. Including washing hand after treatment process, and avoiding hand to mouth contact.


Foot care.

Medical, Planning; Travel Prep (Feet)

Q: Can I prepare my feet before I go out?

A: Yes you can. To harden you feet by soaking a solution of 1 part Ammonia, unscented, and 10 parts Warm water, for 30-60 seconds. Additionally, or by itself, one can get a Tough Skin fluid at the Medical supplies dept.. Apply tough skin to entire foot, top and bottom, and let dry between coats. 2-3 coats should be about right. Mole Skin> can be applied after this for added protection on know/anticipated Hot Spots. A small bottle of tough skin and a 3 X 4 sheet of mole skin in a first aide kid is advised.


EM Kit.

Gear, EM Kit

Q: What should you have in an emergency kit in the field?

A: That's a big one. The best place to start is with the things that are unique to yourself. In particular, medications for personal care. Enough for the Time Control Plan, and add 2-3 more days if practical.

After that, issue that are of concern such as but not limited to; Foot repair, tent repair, pack repair, boot laces, sewing kit, extra water purification tables, fishing weights, 50 foot of line/cord, small compass, signal mirror, smoke grenade, colored flagging, extra lighter, fire starter, and so forth. You can go on and on, so be wise for weight and bulk considerations. Place in water proofing,, such as zip locking bags.

List contents on a 3 X 5 card and place in exposed side of the bag for easy content identification. If the bag seems too large, then break down by combining like kind items, and 3 x 5 carding these and then consider putting into a common bag. Think about Items practical to the environment and possible occasion of use to help thin the field.


Water Proof.

Gear, Water-proofing

Q: How do I water-proof my gear?

A: The obvious gear such as tents should be cleaned and dried after each outing. afterwords check for repairers and effect them. Then do water proofing with seam seal, scotch guards, silicones, ponchos and plastic. The individuals gear should be water proofed for two reasons; 1. Reduced weight accumulation when exposed to water, and 2. Protection and compartmentalization.

Large water proof bags for the backpack as a hole, and compartmentalized gear bases on Association of like kind items. plastic bowls work, but if not taped shut might open during travel. Plastic bags are more conforming to the demands of packing in storage bins, and backpacks. Thought vulnerable to puncture, you can safeguard by double bagging and then Grouping into more durable fabric containers. Finally, you can put these into your bag for comfortable transport.



Gear, backpack

Q: How do I pack a Backpack?

A: Two (2) main Rules:

1. Plan your activities for the day, and pack the first needed items Last.

If you are sure that unforeseen challenges could occur though the course of the day, then you have to give it a best guess as to the needs of the day. Remember, the Adaptability is the Ease that you adjust to new requirements or conditions.

2. Keep the weight high; between the shoulder blades is optimal. Heavy items have priority to First anticipated use. It is a balancing act. The more critical the situation however, the more the weight factor will be challenged in it's priority. You can only give way on this rule if you Don't plan on carrying the pack for any distance.

If you disregard this, then you will pay for it with every step you take, and in less certain Footing areas, you make yourself a candidate for being a Casualty. Remember, you Can't help someone else if you become a Casualty being a Hero.

Beyond these issues, be mindful of sharp edges in your gear, especially in the Back area, the bottom area, and internal of the bag and the other items around it.



Gear, backpack

Q: How do you pick a good Backpack?

A: First, you must know the Volume of space that you will need for your outing. A day trip could be small in supplies demand, whereas a weekender could be 3-5 cubic feet400-600 cubic centimeters).

Second, you should be able to carry 1/3rd of your body weight. Test this before your outing by wearing the 1/3rd weight around the house, backyard, or around the block for 1/2 hour. If you feel that it was nothing but a thing, then your ready physically.

Third, you want to find a Good Back pack that is Large enough, Is made of good quality, heavy duty material, and adjustment features for customize fittings for every outing. check for water proofing, color styles, frame types, padding, and exterior mounting loops/straps.


"Like items".

Gear; Packing, concepts (Compartmentalization of "like-items" )

Q: Why group (and package) Like Items? What is Compartmentalization and why practice it?

A: During night time movements, you will probable have the occasion to need gear. Since it is dark, and the terrain you may occupy at the time may be most uncooperative due to Slope and vegetation density. With your gear controlled and compartmentalized, there is a significant reduction in the chances of gear loss, and perhaps personal injury. If you loose gear, you are jeopardizing your survivability, and all that are with you. That is of course, unless you are a survival expert like me. But I can't afford to be fertilizing mother nature in the middle of the night, with my gear! At least not in front of you.


The Seven (7) Essentials.

Planning, Concepts ("the {7} essentials")

Q: What are the 7 Essentials?

A: The 7 Essentials are; Heat, Food, Water, Shelter, Security, Medical, Hygiene. Each concerns translated into a priority base of present circumstances. Change the circumstances, and you change the priority. Sometimes, several Essentials seem equal in consideration. Continual adjustments will have to be made of the 7 Essentials to have success.


Finding food.

Food, Gathering ("search". See also "storage")

Q: How do I find food?

A: With your head! You must look in locations that would mostlikly have what your looking for. It is too involved to deal with here, so that is why I have developed a class that deals with food and water issues, and small game trapping. each one will give you the answers, but I suggest that you take both. The art of each when combined is assured success.


TCP - Time Control Plan.

Planning, Concepts (TCP)

Q: What's a Time Control Plan? How does it work?

A: A Plan created for Safety and coherency of an outing/expedition. Designing the Plan helps identify specified amounts and types of gear to cover all outdoor days, plus 1 days Worth of supplies for Emergency Preparedness. Your Plan should be detailed with respect to type, color and amount of gear; location of expedition routes, grid coordinates to support it and Time sequence of events; detailed medical and rescue plans that are left with a responsible party who will activate an Emergency Rescue Plan (E.R.P.)in support of your expedition should you fail to meet your time sequence completion; communications plan to support expedition and in emergency



Land navigation, Tools (SOCKNAV)

Q: What's a SOCKNAV? How does it work? Why should I (Joe/Jane Average) care?

A: The Sum Of Components Known Navigation. Used when no map is available. Used primarily by sea and air navigators as part of navigational tools.


Treating water.

Water, Treating (Purification)

Q: Can I use bleach to treat water?

A: Yes, 16 drops of unscented household bleach for every Gallons of water. Mix and let stand 30 minutes. Bleach must be fresh and sealed in a dark container.



Land Nav, Concepts (Triangulation)

Q: What is Triangulation?

A: Triangulation is the act of self location by determine Direction and Distance to two distant targets, that are identifiable on a map. The intersection of the Back Azimuths is the unknown point.



Planning, Concepts (Routes)

Q: What do I take into account when planning my Route(s)?

A: Known as Route Selection;

1. What is slope of ground proposed, plus perceived gear load = speed on the ground.

2. What is the density and type of vegetation that you plan on traveling through. Add to above if measurable.

3. Are there resource resupplies along the way.

4. Will it get you to your objective, and sub-objectives.


Cachet. planning

Planning, Concepts (Caching {storage})

Q: What do I put in a Cache'

A: You can put just about anything in a Cache'. Typically they are set up to resupply a traveling party with foo, water, close, boots, medical supplies, and any other item specific to the expedition. Whether the cache' is resupply or original supply, the items must be water proofed, and marked for user identification. Cache's can contain more that what is needed, allowing the expedition to Cherry pick the cache's contents. Usually hidden from ordinary discovery for security of contents.



Gear, boots(Foot {primary travel mode})

Q: What is the difference between Jungle boots and others?

A: The Tread of the boot. Vegetation terrains require a more open tread, whereas, rocky terrain requires a tight tread pattern. Jungles also have a steel shank in the sole of the boot. Then finally, the uppers of the boot are usually heave canvas for breath-ability and support.



Land Nav, Tools/Concepts(Scales)

Q: What is the best Scale for a Topographical Map?

A: 1/24,000. U.S.G.S. specializes in this scale. Also called 7.5 Minute Quadrangles. ACE I/S Solutions, LLC has an Exclusive Coordinate Scale/Protractor Combo just for this. it will give a To Within 3 Feet Accuracy. See our ????? for purchasing."



Land Nav, Tools/Concepts(Scales)

Q: What other Scales of maps are good?

A: Good is in the eye of the beholder. Some prefer [1/4 inch = 1 mile (1/126,720 )] like the U.S. Forests Service. Others 1/62,000. The 1/24,000 scale is my pick for detail of terrain.

However, some people pick maps for other important information such as Longitude/Latitude. But, if the map is too veg for self location with accuracy, then the Long/Lat is'nt going to do much for you anyway, is it?


Pace count.

Land Nav, Concepts(Pace count)

Q: How do you get a Pace Court? What is a Pace count? How does it work?

A: A Pace is ... A Pace Count is ... see Glossary for more on these terms.

Measure out on Flat ground 100 meters or yards, depending on your map information. (Size/scale of grid squares) Without gear on walk the measured distance 3 times and take the average of the Amount of Paces it took to walk the distance. Next, dawn 1/3 of your body weight in gear/backpack, and complete 3 more runs. Take the average of the Last 3. Notice the difference in your pace count. Now imagine going up Hill with all that gear. Whatever the difference between the average of the first run and the second run average is, add those paces to the second run average. This will probably be the number of paces when going up hill and loaded. Don't forget the other averages. In each situation you must apply the appropriate pace count to stay accurate.



Land Nav, Concepts(Terrain)

Q: What is Terrain Feature Identification?

A: Terrain Feature Identification is the art of recognizing terrain features depicted on a topographical map, and Orientating ones position by directional relationships. Looking for Landmarks that can be used to determine position by way of measurement of distance and direction. See Triangulation.



Camo, Concepts(Defns; Camo -v- Conceal -v- Cover)

Q: What is Camouflage?

A: Camouflage is the breaking up of the outline of that which is to be obscured, by using natural or man-made items. Also, color scheme changes what off-sets high and low spots. When both are combined they make an excellent camouflage. Differs from Concealment & Cover in that ... See Glossary for more.



Camo, Concepts(Defns; Camo -v- Conceal -v- Cover)

Q: What is Concealment?

A: Concealment is like camouflage, but concealment is something that is in front of the thing to be obscured rather than breaking up the outline/ coloring. A door is concealment when used to obscure from sight. A bush can be concealment if it hides from view. Differs form camouflage in that ... See Glossary for more.



Camo, Concepts(Defns; Camo -v- Conceal -v- Cover)

Q: What is Cover?

A: Cover is any object that can protect from small arms fire. (Pistol and rifle bullets) In contrast to Cover, Concealment is not, should not be viewed as adequate protection from projectiles. Differs form camouflage in that ... See Glossary for more.


mole skin.

medical , Concepts(mole skin)

Q: I can't get my Mole Skin to stay in place, what do I do?

A: When Mole Skin> is used in conjunction with Liquid Tuff Skin you get a better bond. Use it like a glue to attach mole skin, then seal the edges with several applications of tuff skin. This will waterproof the seams and increase wear.

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